What is needed in the Village

What is needed in the Village

Members of the Steering Group believe that the following are much needed essential improvements in the Neighbourhood Plan Area:
  • The small industrial area down New Lane close to the old garden nursery, could be expanded, to provide more employment.
  • The proposed closing of Queen Elizabeth Barracks in 2021, could provide a lot of the things on the people’s wish list from the village questionnaire.
  • Another light industrial site, possibly at Towthorpe Lines, could bring in more employment.
  • A small retail centre with a much needed car park. This could contain a much asked for cafe cum meeting centre. This could be sited close to the main road and would attract customers from the  many cyclists passing by. The coffee culture is very much part of this ever growing popular pastime.
  • Along with a cafe, could be more diverse shops, including a Deli cum local fresh food outlet. A gift shop, selling greeting cards and quality small gifts. If all these shops plus others were close together along with a car park. They could all help each other with attracting business. All of this would help to provide some employment
  • Something that is needed in the village, is a hub and meeting place for young people. A form of youth centre, would give the younger generation somewhere to gather and something to do. With the hope it would solve some of the vandalism and general nuisance in the village.
  • With the proposed closing of the Queen Elizabeth Barracks, the centre of the village in time could relocate to that part of the village, as it provides the much needed land, to fulfil the wishes of the village questionnaire. This could also be the area for the much needed affordable housing. Taking pressure off the very congested centre of the village.
error: All images are Copyright Peter Bayliss